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Home DeepSeek Prompts

DeepSeek Prompts

Browse our collection of AI prompts in the DeepSeek category.

Resume Prompt for Remote/Hybrid Jobs | DeepSeek AI


A tailored resume emphasizing key skills, experiences, and industry-relevant keywords for remote or hybrid job applicati...

DeepSeek Prompt: Prioritizing Certifications on Your Resume


This prompt helps you structure and prioritize certifications on your resume to maximize visibility and relevance for yo...

Resume Prompt for Minimizing a 2-Year Career Break | DeepSeek AI


Best resume format (Chronological, Functional, Hybrid) for minimizing career gaps Example phrases to effectively frame ...

STAR Method Prompt for DeepSeek – Improve Bullet Points Effectively


Clear and structured bullet points rewritten using the STAR method. Enhanced problem-solving and outcome-focused statem...

DeepSeek Resume Booster Prompt: Highlight Volunteer Work & Projects


A well-structured resume section showcasing volunteer experience and personal projects, making employment gaps less noti...

DeepSeek Leadership Prompt: Showcasing Leadership Without a Formal Role


Learn how to highlight leadership skills even if you haven’t been in a managerial position. This guide covers key exam...

Professional Resume Formatting Prompt for DeepSeek


A structured guide on modern resume formatting, including best practices for fonts, spacing, and section order to create...

DeepSeek Prompt: Reframe Experience for Career Change


A well-structured career transition explanation, highlighting transferable skills from their current industry to the tar...

ATS Resume Skills Optimization Prompt for DeepSeek


A tailored skills section aligned with job description keywords Increased chances of passing ATS filters Industry-spec...